Sandwich Bag Wreath

I wish I could think of stuff like this. I saw this in a magazine years ago!!! So simple to make. And CHEAP! This costs me less than $2.00. I have had one hanging in my hall for years. Recently, I noticed how dusty and dirty it was looking and couldn’t think of a good way to clean it so, I decided to make another one and share it with you.

 What You Need

  • Wire clothes hanger or some other type of thick wire
  • Fold and close sandwich bags
  • Ribbon (optional)

How To Make 

Bend the wire into a circle as best you can. Make a loop at the top by bending the “hook” of the hanger backwards.

Make sure the fold part of the bag is out. They usually are when you pull them out of the box.

Simply gather the bag from side to side and tie around the wire.

Keep adding on bags until the wreath is full.

Tater wanted to see what I was up to.

When you are done tying on the bags they will look flat like this. To fluff it up…

simply scrunch the ends of the bags together.

Add a ribbon or just hang it by the loop.

A pretty wreath! Hang it any where!

I usually associate wreaths with Christmas, but I like them any time of the year. I like that they remind me of God’s love. Eternal, never-ending. When you  get compliments on your wreath, use that as a witnessing opportunity to share God’s everlasting love for them.